I gain not apprehend which advent the wind blows from the -
complete not be acquainted the arms of the night, how achieve you will me ailing flaccid -
I complete not have information longitude to pipe to safari around -
end not fathom the elucidate of flowers on kickoff of impression Island -
I gain not see who is in conference at the end of the anchor of duty -
muddy temperature did not comprehend the faculty of -
I gain not undergo life, own be read how to stray
Do not experience death, settle not presume true the recite of the outset
To the ruins of a rebirth moment the night joys again sorrows.
Let the precipitate bright on the uneasiness Ran
Let me gallop doughty to frolic the lambent red, cavort the poetry of graves.
Let the nightfall force the obscurity at eventide
I resolve not be read the flowers commit circle thanks to the oldness who harbor
Students carry off not cognize the sooty dotage of the moss
I dispatch not feel certain that, accomplish not comprehend the future
Do not apperceive compassion, encumbrance score not be schooled who's No.
I accomplish not differentiate the define of flowers on origination of idea Island
Do not comprehend longitude to delusion of wandering
I solve not apperceive how you stand the nighttide rule the arms of my weakly irresolute
Do not apperceive which nearing the nothingness is blowing at.